
Being a veterinarian is not just about science and methodology. To have a meaningful impact and improve animal health and welfare, encouraging and motivating farmers to improve animal husbandry and adopt advisory recommendations remains a critical challenge. This places communication at the heart of veterinary services; it is the bridge between veterinarian and farmer that enables the passage of ideas and advice on implementing change, one that can inspire motivation, arouse action and enhance confidence.
Despite this vast potential, communication on animal health does not always stimulate the change we envisage in response to our ever-improving expertise. Research suggests that our own communication behaviour can be a contributing factor; due to the ambivalence clients commonly experience in the contemplation of change, an advisory approach of trying to ‘fix’ problems for our clients by providing ideas and solutions can – counter intuitively - stimulate client arguments and intentions against our advice rather than in favour of it. How can we better engage with our clients and empower them in the process of change?
Motivational interviewing (MI) is one option. It is an evidence-based, collaborative conversation style developed in the medical sciences for strengthening a person’s own motivation to change. MI specifically explores and resolves client ambivalence to influence the motivational processes that facilitate change, emphasising both a relational context of empathy, acceptance and partnership and technical communication skills that engage clients in the exploration and ownership of positive change.
This webinar will offer participants the opportunity to explore the principles of MI consistent communication, supported by insights from Alison’s PhD research examining Motivational Interviewing, veterinary communication and the herd health advisory paradigm. Participants can expect to take away a better understanding of how to engage their clients in conversations about change, combined with ways to practice and learn more about the MI methodology. ​

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