
Veterinary practice is inherently stressful, with huge demands on staff, who don’t always have the tools to deal with conflict and challenging situations. This talk uses a number of techniques from coaching and mental fitness to give individuals more options to better manage their own responses to stressful situations. This starts with improving our understanding of self and what’s important to us (our vision, values, passions, aspirations and purpose). We will then look at some brain physiology – how different areas of the brain have different roles, and the importance of strengthening the right neural pathways. Accessing the right brain is the key to intuitive, creative and positive thinking. We will look at how we can self-hijack if we rely on the survival parts of the brain and introduce the concept of saboteurs. We will talk about how we can better access the right brain, and how we can use these powers to manage our own stress. In particular we will deep dive into the power of self-empathy, and the need for us to be guided by making decisions that align with what we really believe to be important.


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