
Co Presented by Jonathan Kattenberg, (Wealth Life Coach and Ex Independent BMA Financial Services Wealth Manager) and Dawn Grossart Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Chartered Marketer and Transformational Life Coach. A webinar that is punchy and thought provoking as well as providing meaningful insights to enable the listener to take great steps to ensuring they propel both their personal and business lives forward with clear success strategies. Combined with content around Succession, Wealth/Life/retirement and upfront business & exit strategy planning, this will be sure to allow the listener to pursue their personal and business lives forward with clarity. Wealth Consciousness and “Money Story” - it’s the No.1 topic we get asked about by many clients. Whilst Money is an emotive issue, so is being happy & fulfilled. Being able to define the balance is fundamental to progressing in life and business. With inspiring experiences to empower the listeners and new perspectives of how you might currently be experiencing Life and Money, and if you want to, how you can change it, with processes and steps to take - be sure to be involved and take part. Don’t wake up one day realising what you have just missed - living life. The sad fact is many people go through life committing all their resource to one thing and miss so much outside of their immediate field of vision. A presentation designed to provide insight on the fundamental key areas that are extremely worthy of consideration and application to your own path. We will explore some of the key areas that are key to your business achieving the results you desire. Your team working to the standard you expect, setting out to create your own business empire and what should you be looking out for.
Having clear direction, whether you are employed or owning your business, can only enhance the journey ahead with key tools we’ll explore.
* People who achieve - their relationship with wealth and values.
* Lifestyle Stress and wealth relationship- Avoiding the devastating consequences of burning out!
* Future planning and personal fulfilment vs. professional status/responsibilities. What is the true purpose you pursue?
* How to create a Life/Wealth & Business Plan that adds personal value/life value and a healthy balance which only results with increased focus and outcomes
* What’s your relationship with your business?
* How do you plan an exit strategy and why?
• Managing our Contact Management Systems- Are we truly engaging our clients
• Is your branding and company presence at the level you desire?
• Are you truly fulfilled within?
• Do we expand our lives and embrace opportunity?
• Can we work smarter?
• How we adapt our beliefs and behaviours to increase personal well-being and how this correlates to money health/wealth.

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