
This is an audio-only podcast episode.
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Joining Anthony for this episode of VETchat by The Webinar Vet is Neil Shaw, founder of SignalPET. SignalPET’s advanced technology utilizes machine learning and artificial intelligence to assess radiographs in real-time for normals and abnormals on 50+ radiographic tests. You take x-rays. Your images instantly get reviewed by SignalPET's AI. And you get instant test results in addition to a custom client-facing radiology report. Help your veterinary team provide faster intervention, less expensive care, and enhanced patient outcomes during radiographic procedures. In this episode, Anthony and Neil discuss the benefits of Artificial Intelligence and the common challenges in a veterinary practice that AI can help with, such as; time management, lack of confidence and tunnel vision. Neil explains how SignalPET works, how they developed the system and what is in the near future too. They also discuss how the system continues to learn itself and how we can improve as vets as a result of its help.
Learn more about SignalPET here  
Thank you to SignalPET for sponsoring this episode.

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