
Over the past few years at Liphook Equine Hospital we have acquired CT scans of the neck of approximately 70 adult horses. These scans formed part of the clinical investigation of pain or neurologic deficits localised to the cervical spine, with CT myelography additionally performed in neurologic cases. This relatively novel imaging modality is providing new insights into clinical conditions of the neck and is improving our understanding of conditions such as cervical vertebral malformation (CVM/’Wobbler’s syndrome’) and articular process joint (APJ) arthropathy. In addition, CT is raising new questions about equine neck pathology whilst also allowing us to develop new treatment options.
This talk will review conditions of the cervical spine, focusing on those which cause neck pain, such as APJ arthropathy, APJ fragmentation and cervical fractures. Clinical presentation, examination, routine diagnostic imaging as well as indications for CT will be considered. The CT process will be described, with case studies used as illustration. Treatment and management options will be briefly summarised including new work that is becoming possible thanks to the advent of neck CT imaging.


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