Speaker bio page for John E Cooper

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John E Cooper



Has lived and worked for over 15 years overseas, in Africa, Arabia and the Caribbean.  Time in Britain/Europe spent primarily in the fields of comparative medicine, wildlife and veterinary care of "exotic" species.
Graduate in veterinary science at Bristol University, UK, in 1966 and gained MRCVS.  Postgraduate training and qualifications in tropical veterinary medicine (DTVM), avian medicine and pathology (FRCVS), comparative pathology (FRCPath, Dip.ECVP) and biology (FSB, C.Biol).
Professional interests: teaching , diagnostic pathology, wildlife and ecosystem health, tropical diseases, zoonoses and human health.
Author/editor of many books and papers.
Several appointments, including consultancies in academic institutions, zoos and diagnostic labs. Visiting Professor, University of Nairobi. 
Married to a lawyer, Margaret Cooper, LLB, FLS, two adult children.
Interests include natural history, youth activities, overseas travel. Just returned from serving as Professor of Veterinary Pathology at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad.

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